P8673-31R Progress Lighting Landscape

Manufacturer-Model:  P8673-31R
P8673-31R Progress Lighting Landscape
Retail Price:$8.32
Sale Price:$5.94

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  • Retail Price:
  • $8.32
  • Sale Price:
  • $5.94
  • Save:
  • 29%
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  • 120 or 12-volt gel-filled direct burial capsule protects two wire nut connections from elements. Capsule withstands temperatures ranging from -45 to 150 F. Reusable capsule is UL listed & environmentally safe.
  • SKU:P8673-31R
  • Finish:Black
  • Energy Efficient:False
  • Energy Star Compliant:False
  • Notes: Accepts 10ga to 18ga awg wires.

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